L'8 Febbraio, introducendo l'Assemblea annuale dello European Aviation Club, Tony Tyler CEO di IATA tra i molti temi ha commentato anche ETS-EU e bio-berosene. Di seguito uno stralcio del suo intervento.
“The unintended consequences of the unilateral and extra-territorial approach go beyond market distortions to states seeing this as an attack on their sovereignty. I am sensing a growing recognition in Brussels that a global scheme developed through ICAO would provide a superior solution both for managing aviation’s emissions and to resolving the political problems caused by extending the scheme beyond Europe’s borders. This is encouraging and we will do all that we can to promote a pragmatic solution. But time is not on our side. Airlines from Europe may face some retaliatory action. And some non-European airlines may have to choose whether to obey the law of their land or that of Europe—two more unintended consequences which should convince all states that ICAO is the way forward”.
“To move from demonstration flights to being a major component of the industry’s consumption, we need the price to drop and the supply to increase. The unintended consequence of current policy is driving biomass and investment towards road transportation which has alternative energy sources. This urgently needs to be redressed—not via blend mandates but by providing the right policy incentives to attract investment and de-risk the scaling up of commercial aviation biofuels projects”.
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