lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

Il Ministero della Difesa Britannico emette la Issue 7 della DefStan 91-91

(Testo da fonte Platt’s)  NB: Il link per accedere al nuovo Standard è  in calce
“The UK's Ministry of Defence published Issue 7 of its Defence Standard 91-91 document Friday, including  major changes and clarifications related to paperwork and the traceability of  jet fuel used by airlines.
Previously, DefStan 91-91 required the Refinery  Certificate of Quality which included details of the test laboratory and  properties tested, whereas now a Certificate of Analysis and a Release Certificates would be required, the document said. The Certificate of  Analysis is be issued by independent inspectors and/or laboratories and  should be separate from the Refinery Certificate of Quality. The Release  Certificates supports any transfer of aviation fuel and includes items such as the grade of fuel and specification and the signature of releasing authority. For supply into airports, the product shall be supported by a valid test certificate that is less than 180 days old. Other changes included introducing a test for synthetic components in jet fuel and dropping one of the lubricity products (Apollo PRI-19) from the list of approved products.
Also, a test for Stadis 450 was introduced at the point of manufacture which is IP 568 or ASTM D7524.”
NB: DefStan 91-91 è lo Standard UK di qualità che definisce il Turbine Fuel, Aviation Kerosene Type, Jet A-1, Codice NATO F-35 (già DERD-2494). 
Assieme alla ASTM D-1655 forma la Check List "Aviation Fuel Quality Requirement for Jointly Operated Systems" (AFQRJOS) alla quale l'Aviazione Civile fa riferimento per il refueling al di fuori di Nord America e Paesi ex Unione Sovietica. Un jet-fuel che soddisfa la check list AFQRJOS per definizione è conforme sia alla DefStan 91-91 che alla ASTM D-1655.

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